steve rood

Muybridge Project. 2014

Steve_Rood_Image Box

My research seeks to expand notions of the photographic and explores a transitional place between photography and video. This project is an investigation into Eadweard Muybridge's work by reassessing some assumptions around aspects of his work.


This project explores the conviction that Muybridge's innovative Horse in Motion work in the 1870s not only provided photography’s transition from still image to moving image; but also offers valuable, and as yet un utilised insights to photography’s evolution to digital.


It is the intention to create new understandings from a dialogue between old and new worlds. My project explores the application of contemporary technological processes to a historical context to generate unique artefacts.


I visited sites and subjects of Muybridge’s work and documented them as the subjects of my investigation. At the sites I record and generate work by dismantling the subject in the recording and reassembling it in its representation, applying the de and reconstruction method utilised in my research practice. These works will reference, rather than illustrate, the familiar technique associated with his body of work.


This re interpretation of the historical work seeks to create a deeper understanding of the underlying issues in the contemporary realm between still and moving image, and provide valuable and usable insights for further investigations. It is the intention that this work will contribute to the art historical dialogue surrounding Muybridge's body of work and his contribution to contemporary visual language.  

This has been made possible with the generous support of a Fulbright Scholarship and the Wallace Art Trust.


Project Lecture
© rood 2023